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TP Abuse/failrp


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RP Name: Glue(101st TR3 Glue)

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:43833010

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable):STEAM_0:0:94769329

Staff Members Wrong-Doing:Tp abuse/failrp

Explain the situation:My arrest was imminent and my removal of my battalion followed suit for not following orders and hiding from the CG. I accept full responsibility for those happenings, however because cg couldn't find me Karma must have thought it would be a good idea to tp to me and tell the CG where i am. I feel this was major failrp.

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Weeellllll except for that one time when a certain ARC trooper ran from the ST and Shaak Ti because he believed that he was wrongly convicted and wanted to avoid capture...

I kinda feel like if the clone (given they didnt commit MAJOR fail RP) feels like not being arrested, they should be allowed to run for it, and the CG have to track them down the same way they did with Fives and Ashoka. Short cutting these situations with tps and admin powers (when no such things existed in the SW universe) shatter immersion and deny CG the ability to perform their duties. Not all arrests are gifted to law enforcement on a platter (which seems to be the only time CG are allowed to make rp arrests) so when a person escapes and is hiding, naval or whoever is in charge can call defcon 4 and have CG clear the ship while the other battlions retreat to their barracks. We need as much immersion on this ship as we can get and this (IN THE RIGHT SITUATIONS) could provide it. Sorry I know this isnt the place to make a suggestion like this but ive had this on my chest for a while now. Please dont Ron me for my opinion.

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Okay, except what you fail to realize is that when he was in the room with the Chancellor, he showed him everything. The plot to kill the Jedi, etc. So Fives isn't a very good example. He resisted arrest because he knew the Republic was no longer safe with Palpy at the head. His chip never malfunctioned either. The Kaminoans are filthy liars.


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