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Scribbles - Dark Yoda


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Tyzen, Fours, Forseen

Event Name: Dark Yoda

Summary of the story: The Dark Council formed together to use a dark ritual to black out the sun, turning the entire planets surface into a dark place, however this affected and was targetted at Yoda specifically, resulting in his dark spirit to corruptedly come out. The dark spirit caused havoc on the temple and ended up taking some lives, the jedi and clones needed to work together to solve this mystery, once they had traced the presence back to yoda. They figured out it was a sith ritual and had figured out how to get the dark back into yoda. 

What was the result of the event?: The Jedi ended up raiding the sith temple to destroy the altar, freeing the world of the darkside ritual and healing yoda, by returning his corrupted for too him.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying oriented, with shooting to make it not boring

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