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Black's Mission 14 2/2 series for 212th

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Event Name: Assassination v2 (2nd one)

Summary of the story:  

CLASSIFIED-Operation Dismantle: Price Cartel
Mission: 14 2/2


Information Gathered: Task Force ALPHA

Sent From: GAR Secretary of Defense.


Location Of Mission:  


Operation: 212th second target is Madona Charlie, shes one of the king heads of the cartel and she uses her power to influence general recruitment boosters in both Mandalore and outer rim worlds. Shes a former Deathwatch trooper and had former pasts being in very trained clans breed to kill. She follows her honour and she is what keeps the CARTEL men morale up. Our job is to eliminate her before she presents a more dangerous role in the future.


Objective: Eliminate Madona Charlie at any costs







Game master: Black
(Mission series for 212th)

One more event till apcs are back

What was the result of the event?: they killed the target

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both

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