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Black 212th Part 14 - 1/2

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Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: Assassination 1/2

Summary of the story: 

CLASSIFIED-Operation Dismantle: Price Cartel
Mission: 14 ½


Information Gathered: Task Force ALPHA

Sent From: GAR Secretary of Defense.


Location Of Mission:


Operation: Cartel Price influence has shown to be a problem. Its time to stop it from continuing it to grow and the only way to stop it is from eliminating high ups within the CARTEL that no one dared to touch. First person that we will go afteer is Tyler Price. Hes the UNCLE of Ahmed Price the leader. We eliminate him we stop him from growing his influence anywhere else near Naboo and corellia as well as put off a blow to Price.


Objective: Eliminate Tyleer Price by any means.





Game master: Black
(Mission series for 212th)

One more event till apcs are back


What was the result of the event?: They completed thir objctiv

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both

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