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Unusual - Mandalorian Kerfuffle


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Name: Unusual

Who helped (If applicable): |STAFF| Koala [Shadow], Dolvek, Loopy, Reaper |VIPS| Hansen, Omama, Yolo, Racc, Sahn, Lunch

Event Name: Mandalorian Kerfuffle

Summary of the story: Two Mandalorian clans have a feud over a ship being shot over the lake near the Republic Base. The two clans: Clan Dolvek, and Clan Thrad. As the Republic becomes aware of the feud, both clans attempt to persuade the Republic to their  side. The deciding factor is that the ship shot down has evidence of one of the clan's corruption. Clan Dolvek is a calculating, former royal clan, associated with Rancor. They are cold, and calculating, weighing both sides before committing to desicions. On the other hand, Clan Thrad, is a war mongering clan, that overthrew the Dolvek Clan, and are associated with Bantha. Ruthless, and violent at all turns. However, the clones soon realize that the Mandalorian Ambassador survived the crash, along with multiple boxes scattered from the crash. It turns out Clan Dolvek is corrupt, forcing Clan Thrad to overthrow them. 

What was the result of the event?: In the end, hostilites broke out, as Clan Dolvek was attacked by Clan Thrad and the Republic. The Sith also participated, murdering both sides. However, Clan Dolvek's leader, Dolvek attempted to end hostilities. Unfortunetly, Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda thought this impossible, and ordered him dead, though he soon escaped with a few of his members.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A mix of both. Roleplay in order to determine which clan to support



Edited by Koala
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