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Cutlaw - Spiritual Realm


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Name: Cutlaw

Who helped (If applicable): Staff| Koala[Shadow], Dolvek | VIPs: Cubby

Event Name: Spiritual Realm

Summary of the story: A being born of the Force has appeared on the planet of Endor. A Sage Master, who is on a seperate mission for a shrine that has been calling for him through the force. He ends up on Endor, to find a corrupted shrine on Bravo, where he inspects the site. However, he is corrupted by the shrine, as he falls to the dark side, and strange beings attack the base along with the now corrupted Master. As the strange beings were invisible, and strengthened under the force, the Republic had trouble. On the other end, the Jedi discovered the corrupt shrine, and began purifying it, with the hope of removing the source of the beings. However, the being noticed its power waning, and attacked the Jedi with its [Vortiguant] beings. The Jedi, quickly overwhelmed, fled, only to return with the aid of some clones. While staving off the spirits, Jedi Master Jocasta Nu was able to purify the shrine. Afterwards, the being, now no longer corrupted, reached out through the force to the Jedi, so as to thank them for purifying it. After a brief discussion with the force sensitives of the planet, the being left, to deal with other matters.

What was the result of the event?: Good, no one caused issues, and some good roleplay with Jocasta Nu, and the being.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play, with a shootemup via the Spirits.



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