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Unusual's - Kessel Run Trading Group


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Name: Unusual

Who helped?: Dolvek, Harte, and Goten

Event Name: Kessel Run Trading Group

Summary: A trading group was wanting to sell a Force sensitive slave to either the jedi or sith. When clones showed up a Trandoshan arrived closely behind claiming the Trader boss scammed him out of a trade deal. The Trandoshan started threatening him and the Trader boss called for reinforcements from the CIS with credits he had. The CIS backed out quickly as they were losing too much. The trandoshan was taken prisoner and taken back to Bravo. When they arrived the Trandoshans came to try and free their boss. A battle ensued and their ship was destroyed. 

The result?: The wookie was taken back with the jedi while the two boss captured and put on trial.


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