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Koala - Star Fighter Assault


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Name: Koala

Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek,  Holzer, Jabaku, Elijah, Omalic, Stak

Event Name: Star Fighter Assault

Summary of the story: This was my first event, as well as an attempt at a battle royale of spaceships. CIS versus Republic style, with the goal being to destroy the other sides  Frigate. This was a test of how many ships the event server could handle, as well as a test of my event idea.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic won, but I should've accounted for the aclamator's comparatively much higher health. There was an amount of suicide bombs, and spawn camps, but I've learned from this event better methods, so it won't happen again. We will have a fading box around the entire planet to regulate respawn waves, as well as increased CIS frigate lives.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up



Edited by Koala
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