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Qal's Beggining of an Alliance


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Event Idea by: 
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Name: Qal

Who helped (If applicable):  Synyster | Squee

Event Name: A new Alliance

Summary of the story:  After Receaving information on a CIS Weapons Cash. The Attack Battalions whent to take care of it. The Information on the Weapons Cash was brought to Regimental Commander Qal by a  {REDACTED} Informant.

What was the result of the event?: CIS Munitions Cash Destroiyed. Minimal Civilian Casualties.
Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up, with a Mix of Role Play.

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8/10: I loved the RP in this event, and I loved interacting with the event job (mainly the bartender). The only complaint I have for this event, was that I wished if there were more combat, although that is probably because I mainly stayed away from the fighting, due to me interacting with an event job. So ya, it's a really good event, just wished that there were more fighting/combat. 

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