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A complaint about Fixer (repost)

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RP Name: 501st Legion JT TR1 Smith

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:65413510

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): I couldn't get his ID but it said I was banned by Fixer

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Insta-ban

Explain the situation: I said "no nibba join 501st" in ooc to someone and minutes later I got automatically banned. No context, no admin sit, no talk, just banned for 6 hours for "racism". This is not how a staff should handle a situation like this. A ban was not necessary. A talk then warning would be necessary. Especially if it wasn't even the actual "n" word.

Evidence (If applicable):

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(I am Fixer btw), I was told saying the word "nibba" is racist, this came directly from the Director. There was a whole argument in admin chat one day about if its racist or not, and medic came in and said it is. And racism is always a ban, so I banned you. It was only a 6 hour ban, and it was at night, so you could've just went to sleep and when you woke up you'd be unbanned automatically. I don't see the reason as to why this came to a staff report, racism is always a ban, and the Director said the word "nibba" is racist, so I handled the situation just like any other racism-related situation, with a ban, like how I was trained in Admin training. This type of situation in my eyes does not need an admin sit, it was racist, it doesn't matter if you only said "nibba" and the hard R, its racist, end of story. You went through training, you should've read the rules of the server, it clearly says "-No racism". You should know better. You broke a rule, you were punished, if you said the hard R you would've been banned for way longer, this was just a simple 6 hour ban, I don't see why this came to a Staff Report, its pointless. This is all I have to say.

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Hey smith, so we do consider "nibba" racism. Was you being insta-banned necessary? No, but we were talking about this in staff chat when I declared it considered racism. Was Fixer/Punda in the wrong? Kinda, bad instaban bad, talk to him first but in his defense, we DO NOT tolerate any form of racism.

Regardless, you should be grateful for only a 6 hour ban, people who say it with the hard R, they get a week. 

Hope this clears stuff up,

Medic, Director of Staff.



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