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Connection Issues when Joining the Server


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I have never gotten to play Synergy Roleplay, it is one of the big servers I have yet to touch. Not because I don't like it, it's because for some reason whenever I try loading into the CWRP server I instantly lose connection when ingame. I'm unsure why it does this, as it doesn't happen for any other servers, it's definitely peculiar. I was hoping someone knew how to fix this issue. I am running Windows 10 Professional, my computer isn't old or anything, I think it may be an issue with the server and my computer. I have followed the basic fix help guide and the issue still happens. I have refreshed my addon list a while ago and it's still occurring, I would appreciate it if I could get some help. (No this is not a normal connection issue, I live in Canada and the ping is in a healthy status)

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Hello McGregor,

Sorry to see that this is happening to you.

One 'problem' we have with the server is called load in lag. This happens to everyone unfortunately and is annoying but you get used to it lol.

Pretty much how it works is when you load into the server, your game will keep getting the connection error at the top right. 

You have to wait for it to stop doing this and it will be okay afterwards this can take upwards of 5-10 minutes. 

As far as losing connection when you are trying to join and not even being able to load in, that is something I do not know. I hope this helps you. If you have any more questions make sure to direct it this way. 

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1 hour ago, McGregor said:

So i've been waiting for around 30 minutes and it's still happening.

EDIT: I waited the whole 1000 seconds just to see that it disconnected me and i lost connection.

Edited 41 minutes ago by McGregor

I too have this issue, what i did the first time to fix it was completely log off gmod and verify'd the files and it worked so. 

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