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Scribbles - The Frozen Beasts Greed


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah

Event Name: The Frozen beasts greed

Summary of the story: 91st, jedi and SOBDE were deployed to a frozen outer rim planet, it seems the beast has returned. This time troops were sent to scout and recon the area, unfortunately being spotted in the progress, they searched the frozen tundras alike and discovered another facility. Holding this time an experimental bacta cannon.

What was the result of the event?: They fired the bacta cannon into the beast, and it ran away, somewhat sated. However the CIS that was captured by it re-booted and forced the republic into a cabin, in where they held off the seppy's like a small armed force.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mainly Shooting with RP interactions

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