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Turbine's Excavation


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Name: Turbine

Who helped (If applicable): Stix

Event Name: The Excavation

Summary of the story: A CIS

What was the result of the event?: A CIS Admiral wished to begin doing scientific research, for this he needed to get some credits. So the Admiral went with two reprogrammed droids to excavate a site on Endor to gain 3 artifacts, 1 for Jedi, 1 for his buyer, 1 for him. After this, the clones disturbed the burial site even after being warned causing a disturbance and releasing a dark aura which was shown in the form of a plague. This then leads to the Admiral getting detained and later released and him using his droids to alert the CIS fleet

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP beginning transcending into a shoot em up due to player choice

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