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Scribbles - City Infiltration


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Skunk, Bogdun, Aaron, Pratt

Event Name: City Infiltration 

Summary of the story: The 91st were sent to a city to infiltrate and scout out a city to inspect the location of a lost senator, moving to an outpost first to secure it. Once everything at the outpost was disabled they moved to the city to stealth rescue the senator, while dealing with enemies on the way and turret. And any traps that may cripple their journey

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully good, there were some points where it was odd

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly Roleplaying, with shooting/

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8/10 was great, the story was nice, the collecting of things to solve problems is always nice, and the stealth bit was pretty interesting...

But about the stealth bit, the fact of having to do /me's for so many droids to try and stealth kill them grew tedious, but the entire event was still held up well by the nice roleplay and story throughout.

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