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Silvers - People of Jedha


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, Techno

Event Name: People of Jedha

Summary of the story: A religous, non force-sensetive group of humans from the moon of Jedha came from their outer rim of the galaxy to endor. Their reason for coming was that they were on a pilgrimage to the many Jedi temples across the galaxy to worship the jedi and their creations. However, they were being chased by trandoshan smugglers because they carried valuable jedi artifacts that were offerings to the Jedi, which caused the Trandos to attack the base and the temple, the religous group are gonna help fight as well! They are pretty epic because the IP man is in it and he fucked some shit up in the movies. The clones fucked some trandos up as well!

What was the result of the event?: It went well on the Jedi-Sith part!! For the clones, there was lag, sorry about that!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP to Shoot em up

Edited by silvers
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