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Silvers - Deathwatch Incognitos


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Goodtime, Techno

Event Name: Deathwatch Incognitos

Summary of the story: A large rumble occurs across the base. A large camouflaged structure is spotted by some Jedi, and lifeforms are sensed in it. It is secretly a deathwatch ship that was mixed with the greens of the environment! Who knew?! The republic entered with a bang, with the cannons of a custom AT TE by a famous republic engineer, and they destroy the deathwatch group from ruining the endor base! The deathwatch from mandalore learns about this, and the send in more troops and send in their best pilots. Many clones died. But more pilots died. Good job troopers.

What was the result of the event?: It went really well!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up but w/ some originality imo.

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21 minutes ago, Code_R3d said:

10/10 base assault incorporate more rp with the deathwatcg maybe

ye, was low key worried that the event was gonna stretch out too long. The DB ended at just the right time because when it ended all of the gamers from the event server started joining back

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