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Synyster - The Witch and Brainwashed DU


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Name: Synyster

Who helped (If applicable): Qal, Goodtime, Sixta, Coil

Event Name: The Witch and Brainwashed DU

Summary of the story: A Dathomirian Witch that has been causing havoc recently has returned once again to the base, set a trap, and captured a patrol of Dooms Unit Troopers and CTs. She brainwashed them and plans on using them in a later conspiracy..... This is to be continued soon.... 

What was the result of the event?: Dooms Unit was successfully brainwashed, but it seems they're back to normal.... for now...

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP (YES, this event was intended to be confusing, you'll find out what happens next in a day or two)

Edited by DU Synyster

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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