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The rogue deathwatch swarm the base


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Who helped (If applicable):Sixta

Event Name: The rogue deathwatch swarm the base

Summary of the story: A group of rouge deathwatch escape there camp and come to this base to get credits and food/water supplies

What was the result of the event?:Went to go get data as it would get a high price from the CIS but they could barely even make it there and all died eventually

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot em up

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8/10 I dont know what you did, You either gave those Deathwatch hella lot of HP or someone resat their HP all the time, I saw alteast 3 people get like 5 hit in on them when they were in one of the Towers with the LD-1. Also the Flamethrower kills you in like 1 second. But overall fun event actually something to do keep it up.

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