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Prince's Man v. Nature


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Name: Prince

Who helped (If applicable): Me

Event Name: Man v. Nature

Summary of the story: The corruption that fell over the land after the arrival of the Sith had a major impact on the environment and it fought back. Causing harsh storms that took down LAATs and comms towers and even summoning creatures from the lake to try to defend itself.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic held off and carefully made repairs while trying to keep the creatures limited in the lake area

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50

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+1 8/10. The comms and RP was amazing and this is one of the events that were not 5 minutes which everyone seems to be doing. The only thing I can say is that there was a lot of passive rp. It would have been an awesome feature to put some zombies in the base to involve every one. 

Overall was very fun

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