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Silvers - Pay for your Cins


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Jags and Jumes

Event Name: Pay for your Cins (I just fucking came up with that, fuck yeah dude)

Summary of the story: The Sheran Family, a small Cell of dark sider users attack the jedi temple. The head of the Family, Darth _____, was actually a rising sith acolyte in the times before the clone wars. He was thought to be slain by Cin Drallig, but ended up fleeing to a planet in the outer rim. This time, he has a full group of Sith coming with him to destroy the order. Not only that, but he also gained the influence of many followers who aren't strong with the force to attack the clones.

What was the result of the event?: You guys did it! Hooray! Good job! Keep it up! Great moves! Proud of you! 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up but with some role play because we love roleplay

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This event was good, but there wasn't much backstory to it. It was a good idea to involve lore characters with tragedies of random sith though, it adds depth to the bland "Random sith attacks the temple" schitck, a shame  the RP couldnt happen due to the amount of jedi attacking lmao

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