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Qal's Civilian HUNT


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Name: ATK Regimental Commander Qal

Who helped (If applicable): Piff , Jumes ,

Event Name: Civilian HUNT

Summary of the story: A Civilian was Captured by a Group of Bounty Hunnters, They wanted his Riches, for the Civilian was Jimmy Jimmy was a really rich man, and Horibly Stuck Up.

What was the result of the event?: Jimmy Jimmy was Killed. For a few Moments. A good Medic revived the Civilian. The Bounty Hunters were Killed or Captured. The Civilan ended up Sucumbing to his injuries. BountyHunters Shiped to Coruscant for Trial.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive with an Attack of Bounty Hunnters

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