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Public Council Records for November 2018

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Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Commander Reports (EO)

Recommendations for promotion/demotion/removal (EO)

Xin for Senior Jedi General - Andrews - Passed


Master/Branch Interviews

Atur for Master - Andrews - Passed


Named Master Promotions (EO)

Aayla Secura: Open

Ki Adi Mundi: Open

A’Sharad Hett: Open


Open Floor PTS (EO)



Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

When becoming a lore character you need to first be put on a trial for a week in that battalion you will be assigned too. EX tyzen goes for Anakin goes on trial for a 2 week has great feedback get the role but as well changing Jedi general to being a promotional rank that's you have to work for by doing well inside of the battalion. Freelance will be assigned a battalion from Shaak ti that is in need of a Jedi. - Tyzen/Andrews - Passed


A requirement for masters takes 3 trials in a span of 2 weeks. To prevent inactivity in masters - Tyzen/Andrews - Passed


Lower Promotion period from knights from 20 days to 9 for 1-3 and 14 days for 4-5 - Lighig/Tyzen/Andrews  - Passed


Document/system commissions & decomissions - Andrews - Passed


Add a cooldown to where you have to stay with a battalion longer than a week before you can switch. - Tyzen - Passed

Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for promotion/demotion/removal (EO)

Master/Branch Interviews

Sinister for Master - Andrews - Passes

Punybob for Master - Andrews -

Clegane For Master - Scribbles/Xin - Passes

Consular Leadership: Xin - Passes

Named Master Promotions (EO)

Aayla Secura: Open

Ki Adi Mundi: Open

A’Sharad Hett: Open Medic - Passes

Kit Fisto: Open Tyzen - Passes

Luminara Unduli: Open Elijah - Passes

Shaak Ti: Open

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Open SmallJeff - Passes

Saesee Tiin: Open

Open Floor PTS (EO)



Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Using the Jedi Commander rank more often by this method; For Jedi Knights that are working hard with there battalion and get good feedback. With 2 Masters and at least two of the 3 Jedi High Command (Yoda, Mace, Shaak) said Knight can be granted the rank of Jedi Commander. With this change, the position of all “Knights” in the hierarchy are moved down to 1LT and Jedi Commander can equal to MAJ. Making Knights work hard with there battalions. - Andrews - Passes


Make main branches (Sentinel, Consular, Guardian) Padawan+. This is so padawans can already train for their specific branch (TG, Healer,...). Also, manager positions should only be Knight+. When for example a padawan wants to become a TG, he could join sentinel and ask for training from other sentinels or even Temple Guards. This would also make main branches a lot more popular. I’ve seen too many padawans who have no idea what they are doing this would let them find people with the same interests who are already more experienced. To really make this happen, main branch trials should also become a bit easier. As well must be in a branch to go to knight trials - Atur - Passed


Jedi Ace Changes - Sinister - Passed


Some stuff - Lighig - Passed

Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for Promotion/Demotion/Removal/Knight-Watch (EO)


Master/Branch Interviews

Named Master Promotions (EO)

Aayla Secura: Sinister - Passed

Ki Adi Mundi: Clegane - Passed

Shaak Ti: Open

Saesee Tiin: Open

Quinlan Vos: Open

Eeth Koth: Open

Open Floor PTS (EO)




Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO)

Add WS Lead for Guardian-  Elijah - Passes


Adding General Tiplar and/or Tiplee. They would use the default master job, with the Twiilek model. They would be assigned to Doom’s Unit. Also getting rid of Saesee Tiin - Sinister/Andrews - Passes

Replacing some of the Knight Trial schedules with more youngling trials temporarily. And making Knight Trials happen less, as we have it now there are a lot less padawans, and alot less padawans in branches no less. So i think it would be much more effective if we have more younglings to partake in trials to get padawan, and get branch trials because having knight trials now, barely anyone comes, and if they do its the same people. -Scribbles - Passes

Adding an area outside where younglings must participate for youngling trials i can discuss where new stuff can happen, its just a small change if anything, i’d like to offer changes that may make youngling Trials more immersive and give younglings a chance for change, including adding Roleplay questions back to Youngling Trial docs-Scribbles - Fails for Outside; Passes for RP

Commander Reports (EO)


Recommendations for Promotion/Demotion/Removal/Knight-Watch (EO)

Etain for Knight of Grace -Xin - Passes
Dolvek For Knight watch/Inquisitor Knight -Scribbles - Passes

Master/Branch Interviews

Mortred for Master - Andrews - Passes

Named Master Promotions (EO)

Shaak Ti: Open Heart ❤️ - Fails

Tiplar/Tiplee: Open

Quinlan Vos: Open

Eeth Koth: Open

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Open Sinister - Passes

Open Floor PTS (EO)

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