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Scribbles/Korm/Jumes - Gunrays Hair Escape


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Name: Scribbles, Korm, Jumes

Who helped (If applicable): 

Event Name:  Gunrays Hair Escape

Summary of the story: A group of senate commandos, two of them being infiltrator commando droids had snuck into thje base after pretending to capture Viceroy gunray, holding in the detention center the two fakers knocked the captain of the squad out and managed to slip out of the republic detention center. Making their way out as he took the LAAT he arrived in, one of the commando droids  barely escaped and made off with a traitorous republic individual in a CIS cruiser. 

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully good, a bit of a rough beginning

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying with corruption, then shooting. 

Other: This was Scrape's idea for the event, not mine

Edited by Scribbles
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