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Prophet's - Endor’s civilian problem


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Name: Prophet

Who helped (If applicable): Alexz, Orlando, Hatton, Beast, Piff, Synyster 

Event Name: Endor’s civilian problem

Summary of the story: There are groups of civilians protesting about the republics use of the clones during the war at the base, and protesting the Jedi’s role in the war at the temple. So the republic tries to calm down the situation. However once the problem is nearly resolved, a group of bounty hunters who are hired by the pikes to eliminate the protesters. The pikes have had a great time selling drugs and weapons and doing they’re business because the republic was too busy mainly fighting the CIS, but also stopping protesters and making sure that they were in check. But now that the government and the civilian protesters are starting to calm down a bit and trust the republic more, the pikes operations will have been compromised, so they hire bounty hunters to kill the civilians, so it’ll give the pikes more time to strategist their next move.

What was the result in the event?: All the bounty Hunters had died, and the public distrust the republic even more. The pikes have more time to think about they're next move. 

Was this more of a "role play oriented" or "shoot em up oriented"?: Mainly Role play oriented

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