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Silvers - Wookie Man


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Prophet and Jags (a bit)

Event Name: Wookie Man

Summary of the story: A Wookie comes with many bruises around his body. He makes it hard  for 41st for them to translate him, and once they've translated him, they find out the CIS destroyed his village and killed his family. When he says that, many CIS ships appear and attack the base to kill the Wookie and attack the base. The CIS could either kill the Wookie or they don't. Also the wookie was a senator the whole time! Haha! Bet you didn't think that would happen!

What was the result of the event?: Went fairly smooth, good job gamers!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up!

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