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IKE's The slave camp liberation


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Name: IKE

Who helped (If applicable): Jumes, Naffen, Squee, Dino

Event Name: The slave camp liberation

Summary of the story: A group of slave traders have set up camp on Endor where they are harbouring wookie slaves, and they await there for their client to arrive - so they can sell the wookies. However they are spotted on patrol and Colonel IKE calls 501st, GM and 41st in order to liberate the slaves, he orders them to set up in vantage points and then strike when they least suspect it. They blow open the wall and they liberate the slaves and then get the babe.

What was the result of the event?: Slaves fucking liberated

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up




Edited by IKE
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