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SWTOR temple Attack / Base Attack


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Name: Ben

Who Helped [If Applicable]  Gadget Draco Cucumber 

Event Name:Sith and Droids Ambush 

Summery of the Story:: There was a Encampment of sith waiting to attack the Jedi temple once they saw the jedi were away they attacked and took the Holocrons and the sith had a small squad of droids and a droideka  to attack the base the attack didn't go as planned but they will return 

What was the Result of the event: It went good A lot of Meta gaming tho 

Was it more Passive RP or Shootem yp: it was more of a shootem up 

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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I know it breaks lore and shit but our entire map does so I think it would be really dope to do more SWTOR type events, maybe one where the Raghoul virus is leaked or some shit idk it would just be cool.



I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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