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Contractor tracked down


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Name: Alexz

Who helped (If applicable): none

Event Name: Contractor tracked down

Summary of the story: A republic contractor comes to the base with special orders to look into installing a third outpost. They meet up with Base Ops and go on a LAAT to survey some land for the base and finalize on a mountain. They set up the base and one of his body-guards turn on him and finishes him off. The CIS also come to help bomb the outpost so the republic can't continue to spread its military influence. The republic fight back the CIS droids but most of their forces escaped.

What was the result of the event?: Republic beat back the CIS and the contractor dies in the process. So CIS victory technically? 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP with a bit of shoot em up at the end.

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