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Bail Organa Gets Kidnapped


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Who Helped [ If Applicable] Kurt Titan Garry  Global Bar Dolan Bee

Event name; Bail Organa Tracked and held Hostage 

Summery of the story: Bail Organa has brought his Supplys from Alderaan and with there The Cis tracking him they sent three Commandos on his trail to find him and they take Clone armor they infiltrate the ranks they begin to capture him and he clones begin to rescue him awhile extracting important data from the Droids heads

did anyone cause problems: No one caused problems 

was more of a passive or Shootem up it: it was player choice


Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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+1 Actually enjoyed the event there were very few compliants about it such as a DU ARC decided to metagame and instantly scan them to see if they were "Organic" which is obviously BS because you can see that their jobs say commando droid and him and a un-named 212th decided to try and stop them which caused the LAAT to explode and then blamed it on the Droids (Event Helpers) which it was their fault.

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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