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Raven's Ban Appeal


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I'm just posting this for him because he was banned from posting on the forums

RP Name/Steam Name:
91st Recon SS CSM Raven / lets get this bread
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114632781
Date of Ban: 11/23/18
Length of Ban: Permanent
Offense: Stealing content I guess ?
Banned By: I don’t really know
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:



Edited by Phil
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For those who are having issues reading it with the extra https:// at the end


+1/-1  neutral for now.   Will change as I read


EDIT:  Again,  I see a pattern of staff not actually taking steps to properly investigate this but rather jumping the gun and banning those for just association.   


Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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where is Chambers when you need him because this getting ridiculous. This ban appeal number 3 with more to come and I feel before people start commenting any further we need to hear what Chambers has to say.  Look they all got banned for around the same thing, so its basically like this. If one of them gets unbanned then most would.  Let's wait further for more insider information from @Chambers before we jump any further into this rabbit hole.

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