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Disturbed Nest

[SR] Romero [SA]

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Name: Romero (Gearshift)

Who helped (If applicable): Orlando , Silvers , Jags, 

Event Name: Disturbed Nest

Summary of the story: Recon was deployed to investigate a strange distress signal, They located a small base that was voide of life. They reported back but encounter a small native species of creatures. They dispatched the creatures, Attack was then deployed to further investigate the signal and assist with security for recon. The signal was a CIS ploy and was a awaiting ambush. Republic forces fought off the ambush and procceded to return for extraction, However the nest of the prevous creatures was disturbed and cased a large number of hostiles to pour out.

What was the result of the event?: ATK and REC gained battle experience and now all signals are checked for CIS frequencies.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A fair amount of both

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