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Gaster's, Kdogs, And Bankers Wookie Rescue


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Name: Gaster, Kdog, And Banker (New 3 GH Rule)

Who helped (If applicable): Allegro, Collected, Stern

Event Name: Wookie Rescue

Summary of the story: Wookie slaves escaped the planet of kashyyyk, But they were also being followed by some commando droids. After the commandos failed CIS Admiral Bob cam along and launched  a full on attack on the Resolute. The CIS were defeated but will return

What was the result of the event?: CIS lost and republic lost the wookies after they got blown up by the repblic after a commando stole a ship and got shot down.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

I've been here too long

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Watch out next time that you dont just fly in and open skyhate because naval is taking long on letting you blow up the skygate. We have been specifically told to RP situations out and make it a realistic story that is going on.

Same with how the turbolazers were magically fixed and a commando droid somehow used them to shoot down the wookie ship. Other than that +1

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