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Name: Hero

Who helped (If applicable):Bananaberry, spike, Sock monkey

Event Name: base attack

Summary of the story: A base was threatening republic airspace, the senator was dispatched to take it out

What was the result of the event?: Republic victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

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2 hours ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

-1 Lagy af, was really bad. Srry mate.


2 hours ago, Scribbles said:

Eeeeeeeeh. A base floating around coruscant doesn't exactly make sense but. The idea was alright i guess, the lag killed it though (Not your faault tho)|


Yea i mean i don’t know how to warp myself and i just wanted to push something out kinda quick because their hasn’t been an event in a while. The lag was also an issue that i tried to control while also still trying to make the event enjoyable. Sorry to disappoint ill make sure to make it up to y’all in a future event. :) 

Edited by Hero
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