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The Base Attack on mustafar


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Name: Pratt 

Who helped (If applicable): Alexz, Jags, Silvers, Banker

Event Name: The Attack on the Droid Factory on Mustafar

Summary of the story: The Recon Battalions were sent onto the planet to initially scout out the facility and learn about it, unfortunately one of the battalions troopers went in, without permission, and informed the facilty of the clone presense in the area. The Recon Battalions then went in and started fighting, but were pulled out by The Senior Commander Bloop. The Attack Battalions were then called in and were sent in along with the Recon Battalions to attempt to take the Facility and Capture the droids and Facility leaders like the Tactical Droid and General Grievous. The Combined Forces then took the facility, but General Grievous got away. The Forces then blew up the base and returned to the Venator. 

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot'em up

Edited by Pratt
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