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The Stolen Saber (BGCrafter)


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Name: BGCrafter

Who helped (If applicable): Lucifer (Event idea - Nathan/Derel)

Event Name: The Stolen Saber 

Summary of the story: Ventress went to Tatooine to do some contract deals with the Hutts but whilst she was discussing business a Jawa came and stole one of ventress' lightsabers and flew away in a ship attempting to flee her. She got in her ship along side of 4 frigates and ordered to attack the Jawa. Jawa flew to closest place of safety which was the Venator. She went in the ship, attacked it in hope of getting her lightsaber back. She failed and was forced to do a full retreat leaving her lightsaber in the hands of the Republic.

What was the result of the event?: Ventress retreating and The Republic keeping her Lightsaber!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em UP

Edited by BGCrafter
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