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Corzix Staff Application


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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150741557

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to help the server grow and be better than it already is. Synergy is by far my favorite star wars rp server ive ever played on and i intend to play on it for as long as i can. While playing on it i hope to make it a better server, even better than it is currently, whether that be through just being nice and roleplaying or through helping others out as staff. I want to make sure this server stays at its peak for as long as possible while also increasing the very peak that this server can achieve. Being staff would help me reach this goal as i would be able to help others around the server through solving there problems, training new recruits so they can experience the server, and by also just enjoying the roleplay with friends i have made on this server. A staff members job is to help make the server better, and to help make players time on the server enjoyable, which is everything i hope to achieve in my time playing on synergy.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Ive been roleplaying on gmod for about a year now, and through the people i've met and the roleplay i've done i've grown as a person. I've made more friends, become more open with actually talking to people and legitmately enjoy hanging out and helping people around the server. Everything i do on the server is to enjoy serious roleplay or to just enjoy my time roleplaying or talking with people because thats all i want. My goal as of now is just to enjoy life, enjoy the time being with those around me help them if i can. I generally enjoy dealing with the problems of players within a server as i did previously seeing as i was staff on a few servers. I try to be patient, calm and fair to all members of the problem and attempt to deal with it in a quick and concise manner.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I was a moderator on icefuse previously, an admin on a server known as AGC before it shut down, and the co-owner of 2 servers known as PG (Not prominent gaming) and SG.

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A member of the staff team will be with you shortly to train you.
Please use your new found abilities for the better, and don't abuse them!


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