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Planned attack (BGCrafter)


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Name: BGCrafter

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah

Event Name: Planned attack

Summary of the story: A stollen supply ship, sent by the CIS, arrived on the Republic Venator. Two Commando droids, disguised as a Clone Troopers, were sent with the ship. One of the  Ammo crates contained an activated detonator which was set to explode 1:30 minutes upon the opening of the crate. The detonator was defused, the Commandos launched their attack and called for backup. 5 frigates in total (3 first wave and 2 second wave) warped in for reinforcement. One of the commando managed to steal some data from the bridge but he was later eliminated. The CIS attack forces were destroyed and the Venator was safe again.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic venator succeeded in repulsing the CIS attack. (Republic Win)

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.

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