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Elijah`s Early Morning


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Name: Elijah

Who helped (If applicable):Nade

Event Name: Grievous Attact

Summary of the story: General Grievous gets intel from an unknown space shuttle which tells them the Sector and location of the Resolute which holds General Kenobi onboard. 
Grievous gets a prototype commando droid to assist him in locating Kenobi inside the ship to capture him. 
They locate him and grievous and Kenobi battle it out, grievous won but kept Kenobi alive and brought him to the bridge.
He attempts to hyperspace to Geonosis to bring him to his Master, Count Dooku but fails as the HMC integrity is low and has no fuel. He then rushes his way down to MHB with Kenobi attempting to flee in a ship but fails as Clones stop him in his path and he is forced to retreat leaving Kenobi on the ship.

What was the result of the event?:

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event Shoot em up

Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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