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Scribbles - Elemental Attack


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Cornwell, Garret, Dolvek, Rickle, Kronos

Event Name: Elemental Attack

Summary of the story: A group of merry force users, consisting of a few elemental darkside users, Snuck onto the venator and attempted to take a few holocrons, as the temple was  unguarded and wanted to show off their abilities. In which case it went horrible and the republic turned them into mush, capturing two. 

What was the result of the event?: Good i hope. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoo'temup.

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+1 different stuff.

We need to change more so yea good job!
I had so much fun freezing people lmao



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