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Scribbles - Red Haze Project


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Gadget, Rickle, Logicless

Event Name: Kaminoan Secret Project

Summary of the story: Kaminoan Scientists called for backup around the planet of mustafar as they were working ona secret project, weaponised brainworms, as they love heat. The CIS attempted to take it back but ran away once they found out the kaminoans true purpose. So the republic came to help and cleared out the kamonians ship, and rescued them, the scientists's ended up getting interrogated after they were suspicious and refused to give out info.  So in the end the republic shot the red haze virus as it was called that. And made the ship at freezing point. winning the day once more. 

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully good

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP with Shooting. 

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