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CWRP- Guardian lightsaber form access


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Name: TRO 4thGM Jedi GML CLSI WS Garo

Suggestion: I am proposing that the guardian skill tree of courage come with all the available light-saber forms for single saber. the reason for this is pretty simple i think that the light-saber instructors should have access to the forms they are to teach the other Jedi and it gives more validity to the guardians being the masters of saber combat choosing to wield their sabers over the advanced force abilities.  

Implementation: currently the rage force ability is broken so my simple proposal is to eliminate the rage ability from the skill tree and replace it with the rest of the forms granting a guardian access to them to not only allow us familiarity with the forms for teaching purposes but also to really drive home the guardian saber master feel. now i know that there will be some dislike of this opinion but i ask we look at it objectively

Lore: in lore the guardians were masters of the saber and ALL of its forms the guardians spent all there time in the dojo learning the ways of the saber. the light saber instructors who were guardians taught ALL the Jedi not just there own so those Sentinels that learned agile learned it from there instructor as a youngling or padawan as well as the consulars and there versatile forms all learned from a guardian light-saber instructor so in conclusion it only makes since for us to have these forms so we can learn to use them and become true saber masters!

Workshop content if applicable: no workshop adding required just an edit of the skills menu for jedi 
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

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-1 the same reason doc said. It would kill the bother branchs. Cause lets be real who wouldnt want to be a Guardian with 2300 hp all lightsaber stances and force reflect. Thats just stupid strong.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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