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Posts posted by Swag22OA

  1. 2 minutes ago, BlackPink said:

    Overall: 3/4 - Was a good event,I missed the start sadly.

    Story: 3/4 - As I said, I missed the start so I didn't understand everything.

    Execution: 3/4

    Game things: 3/4

    It is on a 1 to 4 system now, like 3/4.

    ah didnt notice that change, ill fix it

    • Funny 1

    RP Name: 212th SSG Mystik

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:439608256

    VIP (Y/N): No, however planning on getting it

    Age: 16

    Timezone: PST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an administrator for 2 reasons. The First reason being I have been in this community for some time now and I feel the need to help out more than just being a normal trooper. I love this place and I wish I could do more for everyone, Battalion Sims, Events/Encounters, and dealing with minges properly. My Second Reason for wanting to be staff is the fact that I have played for almost a 2 months and I feel like I haven't really done my part, in helping on staffing yet. Every time I applied I feel like its a waste. I have recovered and wish to help the community more than before. I also wish to be an administrator because of the wonderful people I have met on here. I enjoy being event jobs and helping out the community. I am serious when I need to be, but enjoy having fun. I want to be an admin so I can help people with problems they have on the server and be there for them. I wish to help people with issues and dive deeper into issues within the server so I can help it. I like communicating with other people and as an admin, I can do it more often I can talk with other battalions and other people as a regular person I wouldn't be able to. With the number of people that join this server I wish to be there for them and any questions they have. My activity is daily there is almost never a day when I am not on. I'm a very positive person and would love sharing it with the rest of the server! I wish to prove myself once and for all that I am capable of doing something bigger than myself.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I was born in the western USA and am 16 years old. I have loved star wars ever since I was a little kid. I love RPing, and I love hanging out with others and watching the clone wars TV show! My favorite Star Wars character is either Commander Cody, or Anakin Skywalker (cliche I know). I have two cats. My favorite thing to do is play basketball which I have been doing for over 13 years, I also like to run and swim. I like to do lots of things outside but also like to play Video games.  I started playing Clone Wars RP quite a while ago for the first time and spent about 2 years ago then I quit, and later came back.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, I was staff on Icefuse for around 4 months and was a Senior Moderator, I was also a Moderator on Superior Servers for around 2 months. Some things I have accomplished besides the rankings was trainer of the week.

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:  Not sure on the exact amount of hours I have on Synergy RP, however I know I have been playing with you guys for about 2 months.

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