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Everything posted by Twistr

  1. I was just saying I feel my ban should be shortened, because you shouldn't be banned perm for minging,
  2. Ok I wouldn't consider like three or four messages a lot of mic spamming. Also, when he offered me money to kill someone it was so obviously a joke, because he said 500 million credits. Also I did technically come to brig to pay their bails, because I had enough credit, and yeah it was stupid and I did deserve to be arrested. I also thought that when you asked me if I wanted to get banned permanently, you never said it would happen if I mic spammed. Then I main point, I didn't go on some long thing about icefuse being better and you should join it, it was more I prefer icefuse because their admins don't stalk you for 10 minutes. But, I guess I may have said something dumb like telling you to join icefuse, I don't really remember, but I may have said something dumb like that.
  3. Yeah I get it, but just keep in mind I did not intentionally do it, and I did not realize that mentioning that Icefuse is a good server was considered advertising.
  4. Ok, apparently it is because I mentioned that I also play on Icefuse and I like it, but just one time mentioning it is still kind of extreme.
  5. RP Name/Steam Name:PVT Dkia Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:143174474 Date of Ban:12/20/2019 Length of Ban:PERM Offense:1 Banned By:Dolvek Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I find it ridiculous my getting banned permamently banned for a little mic spamming, and leaving base. I've played many hours on this server and this is my first time being mingy, and I believe my ban should be taken away, because stopping a player from ever playing on a server they enjoy forever for just a little messing around is ridiculous. Evidence to support your claims:No evidence I was not recording or anything like that.
  6. Yeah but look at the subject. how do I appeal a ban?
  7. I admit I was being kind of mingy. However, I do not believe I should have been permanently banned just for a little mic spamming and leaving base. I would believe maybe at most a two week ban would be ok, but I believe a permanent ban for being mingy for my first time in all the time I've spent on that server is very extreme.
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