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Everything posted by Jango

  1. Jango


    well then sorry should a read into it more that is my fault
  2. Jango


    if there isn't a public post about it how can you expect any different to people who don't know
  3. Jango


    to be fair wheres the rule saying don't ooc it
  4. Jango


    RP Name: MDI CREWMAN Jango / CG MED SGT3 Jango Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:195541209 Age: 18 Gender: MALE Timezone: eastern Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to take roll as admin for many reasons. one of the main reasons is to be as involved with the server as possible. I love doing the starwars RP on synergy and would like to grow closer with the people on the server. I wanna make sure that rules are not broken so everyone on the server may have a good time when they play with us. I have some ideas that could possibly make the server better. I also end up getting on later in the night / early morning anywhere from 12am-5am aswell as some during the day. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm hard working and very determined. I love the role play aspect of things. I know how to use common sense. I play football and do track and field so I have a since of leadership in a way. I love to have fun but know when to lay down the law. I'm currently CG MED SGT2 Jango, MDI CREWMAN Jango, CG Padawan Jango. I plan to progress up in the ranks as much as possible and set good examples for those who follow in my footsteps. I'm certified in TR,NCO,ARC, and MED. Do you have any previous staff experience? nope this will be my first staffing of any sort.
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