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Posts posted by Rosebrandon0

  1. 4/10.

    The enemies presented during the event were simplistic, had no variation, no creative placement, and were trivial threats to deal with. All of these areas need improvement for future implementation of a bio-weapon based enemy. Consider additional varieties of the zombies, and placing them in ways that don't cause them to be stuck in the giant rocks they spawned from.

    Halting the progress of troopers via propblocking is uncreative. Consider more fun and engaging methods like skill checking. It should never be ones that require troopers to expend resources one would use in combat. My squad's progress was halted by a giant rock twice. We determined the only way of bypassing was explosives. We exhausted all of our non-immersion breaking explosives on the first rock, and only our integrity stopped us from killing ourselves to restock our rockets.

    The status updates of my event lead were ignored the entire event. Difficulty keeping up with the chat logs as game master can be arduous, but to the extent me and my squad experienced is unacceptable. Many important pieces of information like the clearing of outposts and the discovery of RP characters in the event were largely ignored. In the future, be more observant of advert chat.

    It can be difficult to extend RP to the general populace of players, but RP during this event was highly exclusive. Jedi are the only characters that had a meaningful interactions with the RP My squad stood witness to a conversation between a Jedi and two sith with no opportunities for meaningful interaction.

    Putting the entire server on wait for the jedi to finish was a bad move. Don't improve the experience of a few in expense of the many. Do everything within your power to prevent this in the future.

  2. 7/10 Decent shoot 'em up event. Had fun.
    The sections wide outdoors in the beginning had good variety of droids, and appropriate difficulty associated with clearing. Although, troopers who possessed long range weaponry, like snipers, trivialized most of the engagement with these droids- this filled troopers with less access to these weapons with a sentiment of uselessness in the face of these troopers. In the future, keep in mind the terrain of the map in use and how players are most likely to use that terrain to deal with threats, and how those methods might alienate players from participation.


    During the outdoor section, there was the employment of combine gunships. This has great potential for fun and engaging conflict during events. Their initial appearance sparked panic and surprise. This is exactly how an infantry personnel should feel under the threat of airborne units. But, I feel these gunships were used in excess. After the third gunship it became clear that an engagement with them was trivialized by ~30 seconds of concentrated laserfire. Additionally, I did not witness casualties inflicted proportionate to the surprise that they created- their debris falling from the sky resulting from their destruction appeared to carry more lethality  than the gunship's main cannon. Also keep in mind the imersion-breaking factor of the gunships appearing out of thin air, and crawling on the ground. In the future, use this feature with greater moderation.
    There was also the employment of striders. This too suffers from many of the problems with the combine gunships. Although their appearance was surprising and concerning, they left much to be desired. They would appear out of thin air in an imersion-breaking way, they could be easily dispatched with little resistance, and fighting them became boring after only a few had fallen before the troopers. These mobs in particular produced a lot of debris on their death, it would have been appreciated if this debris could be removed so that server performance can be improved with them gone, the immersion-breaking factor of the debris being removed is generally appreciated, especially considering the force spent so little time looking at them since the following section was indoors. In the future, deploy striders with greater moderation and be more mindful of spawning them out of thin air.
    The indoor section left great satisfaction, and the flaws associated it are on the fault of the troopers participating. The frustration and friendly fire associated with this section can be mitigated with better trained troopers. Battalions should consider doing more cross-training with battalions like DU so they know how to act during sections like these.
    The RTB back to base could have been handled better. For many it was a boring walk back to the briefing area. A cool explosion following the detonation of charges would have been a great addition to accent our RTB.

  3. 5/10. Many failures on the part of combat for an event which's main focus is a shoot 'em up.
    The outdoor portions of the event were repetitive, placement of enemies was not creative, and not challenging. More could be done to make ground combat against drop-pod deployed troops more engaging.

    The deployment of bombs from overhead during the outdoor section was trivialized, but shows great potential. More should be done to expand upon this feature in the future when troopers engage airborne assets like CIS frigates. This will make the airborne assets feel more like enemies present in the world rather than just props.

    A large population of players attending coupled with long segments of narrow interior combat, and troopers in positions of authority failing to manage troops during these sections resulted in lots of friendly fire that could have been prevented if the event spent more time outdoors, or in an open fighting position, and with better trained troopers. Battalions should consider conducting cross-training exercises with others like DU who are well-equipped for these sections, so that troopers know how to act in a way that ensures friendly fire and the frustration that comes from it is mitigated.
    The appearance of ray shields breaking up conflict during the interior sections disrupted the natural flow of the event. This forced players to stand bunched up in a hallway while they wait for troopers ahead of them to get successful rolls, repeatedly. In the future, consider less of these roadblocks in favor of something more engaging.

    The appearance of a sith at the end was trivialized because of how many people are present at the site of conflict, and felt unnecessary because the event should have been drawing to a close at that point.

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