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  1. Name: Spectre RP Rank: PFC Suggestion: Consolidate all existing Synergy Discord servers used for Jedi, battalions, and other groups into a single, unified hub server. This will lead to better networking, increased efficiency, and an improved user experience. Implementation: The implementation of this proposal will be carried out in several phases to ensure a smooth transition for all members. During the planning phase, feedback will be collected from leaders and members of different groups to understand their needs and preferences for the new hub server. This feedback will inform the design of the server structure, including the setup of channels, categories, and roles to support efficient communication and collaboration. In the development phase, the new hub server will be created, and the initial channels and categories will be set up. This includes general channels for announcements, discussions, and support, as well as specific channels for each group, such as Jedi and battalions. Roles for all groups and certifications will be defined and created, encompassing battalion tags, certification tags, and any other relevant roles. The migration phase will involve a manual role request system where users can request their battalion and certification tags through the Synergy Staff team. A dedicated channel will be established for users to submit their role requests using a provided template. The Synergy Staff team will review these requests and manually assign the appropriate roles, making the corresponding categories and channels visible to the users. Clear communication about the migration plan will be provided through announcements and pinned messages, and support channels will be set up to assist members during the transition. The migration will be conducted in phases, starting with a pilot group to test the new server setup and make any necessary adjustments before moving all members. Finally, in the completion phase, the old servers will be gradually deactivated once the majority of members have transitioned to the new server and all critical information and communication have been successfully migrated. Continuous improvement will be ensured by regularly soliciting feedback from members to identify areas for enhancement and making necessary updates and adjustments to the server based on this feedback. Add/Change Add: Unified Hub Server - Description: Create a single, unified hub server for all Synergy groups to improve networking, efficiency, and user experience. Change: Role Assignment Process - Description: Replace the current multiple-server setup with a unified hub where roles are manually assigned by the Synergy Staff team based on user requests. Add: Feedback Loop - Description: Regularly solicit feedback from members to identify areas for improvement and make necessary updates and adjustments to the server. Add: Request Channel - Description: Set up a dedicated channel where users can submit their role requests using a provided template. Add: Communication and Support - Description: Use announcements and pinned messages to inform members about the new server, the role request process, and how to get help if needed. Set up support channels where members can ask questions and receive assistance during the transition. Add: Gradual Transition - Description: Migrate members in phases to ensure a smooth transition, starting with a pilot group to test the new server setup before moving all members. Add: Deactivation of Old Servers - Description: Once the majority of members have transitioned to the new server, gradually deactivate the old servers after ensuring all critical information and communication have been successfully migrated. I understand that as a PFC, my word might not hold much weight, but I believe this proposal could be a step forward for the server. It aims to improve communication and enhance the community experience for all users. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated so I can refine this suggestion. Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience this post may have caused. - Spectre
  2. +1 Like the models more than the current ones. (Bring back Doom's Unit and replace it for 41st)
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