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Everything posted by Suth

  1. Suth

    Foxey - The Shadow

    I don’t hate that he was in character and I don’t hate that the Jedi was in character Im just a little mad that the strip weapons and comms bind didn’t mean shit even though they teach us to use it and it seemed like the right time to use it I didn’t know this was a Jedi type of event.
  2. Suth

    Foxey - The Shadow

    2/10 Didnt like that i was getting shit talked by both jedi and sith just for doing protocol.
  3. That’s fine it’s your opinion and I think I fixed the model string part
  4. Name: Suth RP Rank: SSG Suggestion: 91st Heavy Implementation: Use them as a ground force for 91st like putting them with 91st troopers, medics, ARC's or have a Jet trooper carry them up to a cliff or tower and have them fire down on some enemy's with the z6. Lore: No lore saying they didn't have any so I don't see the problem with letting us have this one every other battalion has a heavy even the other recon regiments. Workshop content if applicable: The 91st have a model that is completely unused the 91st Sharpshooter model. Add or Change: Add Job: Heavy Slots: 10 Pay: 350 Description: Cue 91st troopers fighting a wave of B1 and B2 battle droids losing brother after brother in the process slowly getting surrounded thinking to themselves this is it we've failed the republic until in a moments notice five 91st heavy's show up on BARC speeders with locked and loaded z6's ready to take down droids and make sure none are left out Model: models/player/synergy/cblake/91st/sharpshooter/91stsharp.mdl Weapons: DC-15s, DC-15a, z6 rotary blaster. tfa_swch_z6 tfa_swch_dc15a tfa_swch_dc15s Other: I would gladly become 91st HVYO I wanna lead it into becoming something in the 91st that we take with pride and if it gets declined then that's fine ill just keep trying but it just feels like the 91st are being left out on interesting opportunities.
  5. Good thing it’s getting fixed
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