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Everything posted by Sanic

  1. + Support he's a good commander
  2. + support known him for a long time
  3. RP Name:TR 41st GC FMED SGT2 Sanic Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:154490212 Age: 16 Gender: Male Time zone: Centurial US Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): the reason why I would love to be a staff member on this server is because its pretty much a brand new server that's becoming very popular. I've been on Gmod for about a year now and have 1200+ hours on it. I have about a 1000 hours on a clone wars server that I really loved to play on. I tried to apply for staff and game master multiple times on that server but it kept getting denied. I decided that I had enough of that server and now I hope this server can become my new home. I hope to become staff so I can then apply for game maker on this server some day. on my old server I had made many events ideas for my game master application but they all got denied. I hope I can share some of those event ideas if I ever get vet admin and apply for game maker. another reason why I want to become staff on this server is because just yesterday all I saw were a bunch of CT's stealing ships and jumping off of moon pool. I then noticed there were only 3 staff members that weren't afk but they were all doing something else. it took about 5 minutes for an staff to de-spawn the ships and get any of the remaining CT's that didn't DC back on the ship. if I was an staff I could have easily stopped them then and there. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have a 1000+ hours on superior servers. I was a 41st GC COL on that server but I was starting to realize that my time on that server was starting to get boring. I attempted to apply for game master and staff but failed multiple times. I live in the united states and I try to get around 5 active hours on this server. I'm kind of new to this server but aren't we all. I also played on icefuse when superior was dead and yeah I was an Doom unit PVT. I hope I can get really far on this server and hope to make a lot of new friends on this server. I am also a very chilled person. my IRL job that I have involves me talking to people and discussing what they want. if they get upset or anything like that I half to deal with it and yeah. my IRL name is Devin. I really love star wars. its why I really love SWRP. its a unique experience that no other game has. star wars battlefront and republic commandos are the only clone wars game that I know were good. but there was still something missing about those games. and on SWRP it fixes that by all the role-play you do and all that. SWRP has become one of my favorite games of all time even tho its technically a mod. leaving my old server really felt bad its sort of like leaving your home and your family behind. I really hope this server can become my new home and family.
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