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Everything posted by XenoCurse

  1. Story: -(the storyline of the even) -I can not rate fairly as when I came back from grabbing a quick bite we were already under attack. So didnt get to experience the starting of it. Execution: -(Flow/Timing) [4/4] A good flow to it and didnt feel rushed. Felt realistic in a way with the droids pushing in further to force a form of fall back Game Mechanics- (Spawning/Map Utilizations/Ej's) [4/4] Pretty good and not much complaints. The spam during the push back somewhat killed my frames but that was more of a me problem with my PC. Also a great utilization of the crashed drop ship as their continuous spawn in a sense and keeping with them stopping once it was destroyed in RP.
  2. Purdy good, had fun blasting mandos and sith. Was also good for practicing cohesion and teamwork. Would love to see more of these events or even more NPC focused events. +1
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