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Posts posted by Dolan

  1. Name: BaseOps 2ndLT Dolan

    The addition of an Acclamator Prop or Another small sized ship that would give baseops something more to do. We've played on a kamino map in the previous month or so and there was an acclamator on the map. Having that acclamator allowed baseops to join in with the event and it was honestly amazing. Adding an acclamator to the map would give baseops more of an appeal and honestly could potentially save baseops. 

    Would be as simple as Perma Propping the acclamator above the base of maybe just behind base as if its overwatching the base for the republic army.

    In Lore they don't tend to stick around over a base all too often but for enhancing roleplay it doesn't interfere.

    Workshop content if applicable:
    Currently unsure of the workshop content but I've spoken to some admins that know of a Prop that could be added for this purpose.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Brunoo_ said:

    First of all Sergei, you know I love you dude 

    You were arguing in OOC with this US PV2 about a rule, and you were saying you were going to kill him using your car and I told you not to

    Later you go to their base and legit reverse into him and then proceed to disconnect. I was just going to jail you but since you left I thought you were trying to leave to avoid punishment. I gave you only 1 day because I knew how toxic the PV2 was and that he could have make you angry so I didnt want to ban you for too long. 

    It was my bad for missunderstanding your disconnection after the reversing over this guy.

    +1 to the unban (i think its almost over tho since I only banned you for 1 day.)

    You were in ts with me. it was a combination of 3 encounters with the same person that tried to forcefully take a vehicle from me and shoot at me everytime you looked away and i have 20hours left meaning i wont be on until like the 4th because my timezone


  3. RP Name/Steam Name: Sergei/  BigOleBoi
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50823488
    Date of Ban:1/1/19
    Length of Ban: unsure i was offline
    Offense: rdm during peace time/ l2ap
    Banned By: bruno
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I was banned for Reversing over an american that shot me multiple times. while parked outside the american base he proceeded to shoot me and mock me so i reversed into him and logged because of all the toxicity from certain players at the time. The server has low pop and im one of the most active palyers. banning players for multiple days for RDM in response to ARDM is not a way to keep players on  the server. Simply arresting me when i get back or giving me a strike would have been a much more reasonable offence.
    Evidence to support your claims: i have none.

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